Monday, September 28, 2009

Day one in Florence


While in Montepulciano I talked with Mike on the phone. He told me Shunji was trying to reach me, that he had emailed me. Shunji was going to be in Florence the same 2 days Susie and I were to be there. One of the people traveling with Shunji couldn’t go at the last minute and he had an extra room in the apartment for Susie and I. We cancelled our hotel reservations and decided to stay with them. We were to call them when we arrived at the bus station to get directions to the apartment.

Ok, we arrived at the bus station. It looked like it was going to down pour any minute. Better get the raincoat out. Since we were going to leave Florence in two days by train and the train station was close by we decided to buy our train ticket back to Rome. It’s always good when you land in one destination and you know when and where you are going, you should always buy your ticket. Usually the bus and train stations are very close together.

Rain, Rain and more rain. Trying to get to the train station. OMG, steps, steps and more steps with the stupid luggage. Have I told you yet that I nick named Susie’s suitcase, oh yeah, not big Bertha but Grande Bertha. It always took the two of us to manage her in the steps. People would just look at us and we would start laughing. Made it to the station.

Got our ticket to Rome. Called Shunji to get directions, this sounded like a journey. Susie was having trouble understanding Shunji’s directions so she gave the phone to me (the person who doesn’t have any sense of direction). Are we really going to walk there on these cobblestone roads with all our luggage? I think we are. Finally it stopped raining. It should have taken us about 15 minutes but it ended up taking us 45 minutes. God I was tired and we were to meet Susie’s cousin for dinner at 5:30.

Patti, Shunji’s friend met us on the other side of the Ponte S. Tinita (one of the many Florence Bridges) and helped us with our luggage the rest of the way. Finally made it to the apartment. It was right by The Pitti Palace. Now we get to rest. Patti then tells us we are on the fourth floor. And guess what? No elevator. All I can say is what have I done to deserve this? Shunji greets us just as we are ready to start the climb and takes one end of Grande Bertha with Susie. I stopped counting the steps at number 35 and we still weren’t there. Bob appeared then and took over the last two flights with Bertha. I thought my arm was never going to be the same after carrying everything up, up, up. All I can say is I’m glad Kathy my trainer made me do all the upper body work. Made it to the top. What a great apartment. Susie and I had our own bedroom and bathroom. It was old and quaint. We loved it.

I decided to go with Patti and Shunji to the grocery store down the street and I would meet up with Susie at her cousins. She lived very close by, Patti and Shunji said they would walk me there.

Went to the store to pick up a few items and little sightseeing. After about an hour and a half we decided to walk to Lisa’s apartment (Susie’s cousin). She has lived in Florence for four years. She has written a book about the Piazza’s of Florence.

Found Lisa’s, her apartment was only two blocks from the Apt. Shunji, Patti and I went up the many steps. Met Lisa and her daughter Ella. Had a great time; Shunji & Ella visited in Italian, we enjoyed looking at Lisa’s gallery of paintings and her newly published book on Florence. Patti was very interested in her book. However Lisa stated it was not available in the US, something about the publisher. Shunji and Patti then left because they had other dinner arrangements.

Ella, Lisa and Susie

Jean and Susie in front of Lisa's painting

Susie and I had another very yummy dinner. It was homemade risotto with pumpkin and accented with other wonderful spices. It was delicious. She served it with caramelized fennel. WOW! More wine and another dessert wine. We had a very fun evening. Back to the apartment for some R&R. Tomorrow we are heading to the Gallery of the Academy (Academia). That is where the Tribute to David is displayed.

Stay tune………

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